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Just a little post this time, nothing fancy.

Well as I’m sure you could have guessed, that last plan didn’t work either. Predictable eh?.

Its quite frustrating really, I have all these ideas that I’ve been slowly devising over the past 4 years or so, yet I still cannot put it on paper. Not an ideal trait for an author if I’m honest. It took me 4 hours to write the next 250 words after the last post, and even longer for the next 250. It seems no matter how hard I try I can’t avoid the inevitable need for planning on a project as big as this. I’m thinking that maybe once my ideas are down on paper it should, hopefully be far, far easier to write the book proper. I mean, after all the thought that’s gone into this, I really don’t want to let it just go. This is where Microsoft Office One Note comes into play. Brilliant piece of software made for organizing ‘stuff’ with ease, and so far, it seems to be doing the job. Slowly but surely my brain is producing a metric tonne of stuff that I wanted to, or was considering implementing within my work.

Ah Well, we’ll see how this one goes.

Also, from now on I’m going to update about three times a week, I feel as if I’ve been neglecting my little blog these llast few weeks.

Thanks for Reading!

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