Well, here I am again, 7 weeks I think still I wrote my last post, and announced the whole ‘3 posts per week’ idea. That went well didn’t it?

As I’m sure you’ve guessed by now I’m not very organised, or at times motivated. Hopefully that’s all changing now. Surprisingly I haven’t gone back on my idea of using Microsoft One Note, its stuck and damn, it’s useful. Everything that in my head is slowly getting poured in, in an organised manner! Shocking eh? and Hopefully by February 6th  there’ll be an entire chapter actually written! I know, this post is full of shocking news.

So today I’ve decided to have a little rant about secrets, and what an absolute joy they are to work with in a plot. I just love the idea of dropping little hints where, if you somehow manage to notice them all, the ‘big’ secret is actually staring at you in the face. Some authors like to keep the whole idea of a there even being a secret to a minimum whilst ingeniously hinting little, subtle things, and then bang, the secret gets revealed taking everyone; the characters and the readers utterly by surprise. I personally don’t have the skill to write in such a way, as much as I would love to be able to. Therefore, I’m making no secret of the secret. From the very beginning I want the reader to know there is a secret, and an important one at that. From the Prologue (Which is in progress right now! Well about 5 minutes from now) the consequences of this secret can be seen, but what the secret is? Well now, that would be telling.

Despite not keeping to this regime, I’m going to give it another go and so, I’ll speak to youon Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.

Thanks for reading and I’ll rant again on Sunday. Have a Great Weekend folks!